"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

"Sometimes you have to go really high to see how small you are" -Great Job , Felix !

Sprung aus dem All
Here is what the news say (USA TODAY):
9:30PM EDT October 14. 2012 -
"Moments before stepping off a small metal platform near Roswell, N.M., on Sunday and plunging to Earth from 24 miles in space, Austrian sky diver Felix Baumgartner offered a few static-filled words for posterity.
"Sometimes you have to go really high to see how small you are," said Baumgartner, 43. Then he jumped, a diminishing white dot against an impossibly black sky.
With his leap from 128,000 feet, Baumgartner becomes a larger-than-life figure in aerospace history, joining the ranks of those who have pushed personal and technological limits as they tempted fate and tested science.
He reached 833.9 mph, or mach 1.24, which is faster than the speed of sound. No one has ever reached that speed wearing only a high-tech suit.
He fell at supersonic speeds on the same date in 1947 that test pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in an aircraft.
Adding to his inevitable fame is the fact that the feat was streamed live on computers and smartphones around the world using more than 30 high-definition cameras arrayed on the ground as well as in and outside of his capsule. A two-hour BBC documentary will hit TV soon, and there surely will be the inevitable chats with talk show hosts and calls from admirers.
But so far none of that seems to be getting to Baumgartner's buzz-cut head.
Baumgartner's jump was possible partly due to an expensive operation packed with top scientists, but also to the pioneering work of adventurers past, says Margaret Weitekamp, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum focusing on popular culture and spaceflight.
"In many ways, Felix was standing on the shoulders of giants," she said. "Baumgartner himself will be advancing the science of how the human body responds to the upper atmosphere, just as many test pilots did before him."
The event seemed to be an irresistible blend of space derring-do and extreme sports insanity, particularly at the moment when Baumgartner could be seen standing on the edge of space in frightening HD clarity.
"I was actually scared at that point," said Clara Moskowitz, assistant editor at Space.com. "I know he captured the attention of a lot of people, because I had friends who have no interest in space emailing and texting me. This was a human being literally stepping into the unknown. It doesn't get more intense than that."
The Austrian skydiver's leap Sunday beat the record set by retired Air Force colonel Joe Kittinger, who in 1960 plunged out of an open basket from 102,800 feet. Kittinger served as a mentor to Baumgartner throughout the five-year project.
The mission, dubbed Red Bull Stratos after the Austrian energy drink company that sponsored the jump, also set records for highest manned balloon flight (113,740 feet in 1961) and fastest free fall (Kittinger at 614 mph).
Red Bull Stratos marks yet another aerospace advance by a private company, filling the void left by the massive state-sponsored space initiatives that once were the hallmark of American and Russian scientific programs. Elon Musk's SpaceX and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic remain dedicated to putting civilians in space, and Stratos' mission was to test how humans and space suits would react to emergency exits at high altitude.
Baumgartner's jump was not without drama. He complained about a lack of heat in his helmet on the way up, which caused mission engineers to debate whether or not to bring him down in the capsule. Then, on the descent, the skydiver could be seen by an infrared camera as a tiny white dot against a black backdrop spinning wildly, precisely the situation the team was hoping to avoid as it could lead to a loss of consciousness or worse.
But Baumgartner got that spin under control, and minutes later landed gracefully on his feet in the dusty New Mexican desert. The sky diver immediately fell to knees. Cameras trained on his family – who had never been to the United States before – showed his parents, brother and his girlfriend cheering.
Baumgartner has been working his way up to this world record jump from the edge of space for the past few years, twice running into speed bumps.
Austrian promoter Daniel Hogan derailed the first mission when he sued Red Bull Stratos claiming he'd thought of the idea first. That suit was settled out of court last summer."

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012

The British Empire

File:Map of the British Empire in the 1920's.png

The British Empire
"The claim that the sun never set on the British Empire was not an empty boast. By the end of the nineteenth century the Empire included nearly a quarter of the earth's land surface and more than a quarter of its population. This imperial endeavour began with the foundation of the first English colony in America in 1607 and ended when British India became independent and was partitioned into Pakistan and India in 1947.

The thirteen American colonies, the so-called First Empire, were lost in the War of American Independence (1775-83). Commercial expansionism and the acquisition of new territories were the motives for the creation of the Second Empire, which  reached its zenith in the 19th century when Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in 1877. By then Burma, Ceylon and much of the West Indies had already been broughtunder British sovereignty and the Antipodes - Australia and New Zealand - had been colonized by British settlers. In 1867 Canada became the Empire's first self-governing dominion.
In the late 19th century, during Queen Victoria's reign, the Empire builders turned their attention to the 'dark continent' of Africa, although trade settlements had already existed in Gambia and on the Gold Coast for three centuries and the interior had already
 been penetrated by explorers and missionaries. In addition to the Union of South Africa, granted dominion status in 1910, many African Crown Colonies and protectorates were established and settled by British farmers. Since granting these countries their independence in the 1950s and 1960s, Britain has retained only few vestiges of imperial power: dependencies of the Crown such as Bermuda, Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands etc. The transformation of the British Empire into the Commonwealth began with the Statute of Westminster (1931), which refers to a free association of self-governing countries equal in rank and united by a common allegiance to the Crown."

Create a timeline showing the history of the British Empire !

Whirling, swirling, never blue How could you go and die what a lonely thing to do "Il adore", Boy George

He was a fixture on TV with roles ranging from "Sesame Street" to hosting the reality show "I'm a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!"

"COLOGNE, Germany -- German comedian, TV star and gay icon Dirk Bach was found dead in his hotel room Monday in Berlin. He was 51.
The cause of death was not immediately known, but a police spokesman said there was no evidence of foul play.
Self-trained, Bach started in the independent theater scene in his home city of Cologne before moving to television, where he became one of the most familiar and enduring faces on the small screen. The rotund actor and entertainer's national breakthrough came with the sitcom Lukas, on which he played a single dad who lives with his father and daughter. The show, which ran for five seasons, was hit with both audiences and critics. It was groundbreaking in German television in its depiction of homosexual characters and alternative lifestyles.
Other prominent roles including the Pepe on the German version of Sesame Street and, most recently, co-host of hit reality show I'm A Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!
Bach used his immense popularity to raise awareness for many causes, particularly for the rights of gays and lesbians. One of the first openly gay German celebrities, he was an active fund raiser for AIDS charities and a prominent spokesman for equal rights legislation.
At the time of his death, Bach was in rehearsals for a theater production in Berlin."
source: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/german-comedy-dirk-bach-dies-375366

Here is the song: Il adore by Boy George.